How to Setup Voicemail on 3CX
Whether you are in a meeting or simply not available to answer a call, you can route your calls to your voicemail.
Setting up voicemail on 3CX is easy. The steps below are your guide.
1.To get started, open your 3CX app, then click Voicemail.
2.Open Set Voicemail Greetings.
3.Click Record Greeting.
4.Name your file.
5.You will then receive a call which you will have to answer so you can start recording your voicemail message. Then follow the voice prompt.

6.If you are happy with your voicemail message, you can set the recording as your default setting.
7.An envelope icon is shown on your 3CX if you have a voicemail. Click on that icon to show a list of the people who left messages. You will also receive an email which allows you to listen to your voice messages.
8.You’re all set!